Sunday, February 23, 2020

Collaborative Problem Solving Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Collaborative Problem Solving Model - Essay Example In the thick of the problem students' work in groups, co-operate, and often act as professionals facing problems as they occur without suggesting any boundaries on the part of the teacher. Indeed the information they have may not be sufficient. However, with in the limitations they arrive at solutions, which are far more effective than the traditional teacher centered problem-solving approach. and peers than he/she can achieve by them self. Social interaction is beneficial for the growth of the child. It has also been confirmed by research that peer collaboration can facilitate better performance when one child is more advanced. In brief, the problem-solving ability can heighten when they work together. effectiveness of collaborative problem solving in certain situations. Studies on peer collaboration among school-aged children have sometimes questioned the benefit of collaboration under a certain age. Research has been somewhat inconclusive on this problem. It found that five year-olds were more likely to get involved in discussion and collaboration than 3 year-olds. Moreover, it was found that 5 to 6 year old children performed better, when they worked with a more competent partner than when they worked with a less competent partner. In fact, more research is called for to determine at what age collaborative sharing can be effective (Vermette, 1998). Application of collaborative problem solving can be done in the classroom in reference to an ecosystem. The ecosystem of the saltwater marsh is ideally suited for this study. Any ecosystem has four major components. First, there are the nonliving or abiotic components. The other three components are the living organisms. They are the producers, consumers, and decomposers. The goal of exercise is to develop a deeper understanding of the interdependence with ecosystems by examining how plants and animals are interdependent. The student should also develop enough knowledge about the marsh plants and animals. They should build sufficient vocabulary to explain scientific phenomenon in proper terms. In this study, the ultimate aim is to make a comparative study of the traditional method and the application of collaborative problem solving approach in teaching. For collaborative problem solving study, two standard methods are available, Student Teams-Achievement Division (STAD) and Jigsaw. A Jigsaw classroom method is preferred because it not only helps in collaborative problem solving, but also helps in narrowing down ethnic, cultural, and religious differences among the learners. In the Jigsaw approach, all the students have the opportunity to be a teacher,

Friday, February 7, 2020

Joint venture paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Joint venture - Research Paper Example One of the benefits of forming a joint venture therefore is to gain access to the new markets as two entities; one foreign and one domestic and as such foreign entity often bring in new technologies which can benefit the domestic entities due to technology transfer. In US, Joint ventures are mostly regulated by Partnership laws, Contract Act as well as commercial transaction laws. In order to successfully formulate a joint venture, it is really important to consider due diligence, business plan as well as the allocation of the income must be decided before formation of the joint venture contract. This report will present an analysis of the joint venture between NIKE and Adidas, the business potential and the international aspects of NIKE as well as performing a due diligence of the potential joint venture between the two. 1. Nike own and operate various retail stores, ecommerce, independent distributors as well as franchisers across the United States and World. Nike has one of the unique business models in place where it manufactures its products through its contract centers located across the world. This provides NIKE necessary cost advantage over its competitors. 2. Nike manufactures and sells branded footwear, apparel as well as equipment and different accessories. This range includes various brands offered across the world either supplied locally or through franchising. 3. Make its supply chain more competitive as well as efficient through strong operational discipline. NIKE’s supply chain is truly a global supply chain due to the fact that it involves different stakeholders at different points in the supply chain. Besides, these stakeholders are spread across the world. 4. Achieving strong cost advantage through adoptive lean manufacturing philosophy. NIKE has adapted a very unique manufacturing philosophy